Transport & Spedition Kernleistungen

Fracht kann für uns gar nicht komplex genug sein!


Verderbliche Waren

Frische Lebensmittel, getrocknete Lebensmittel, Tiefkühl Fisch


Sprengstoff, giftige und leicht brennbare Güter, Gase, energetisches Material, Feuerwerkskörper

Strategische Güter

Hi-Tech, Waffen, Munition, Armeeausrüstung


Pestizide, feste und flüssige Chemikalien

Projektfracht und Schwerlasttransporte

Jegliche Herausforderung von groß bis 30.000 Tonnen

Kostenloser Logistik Efficiency Scan

  • Neue Sicht auf ihre Logistik
  • Wirtschaftlichkeit steigern
  • Kosten-Nutzen-Rate verbessern
    and mehr...

Logistik Scan anfragen>


Covid-19 update

We regret to inform you that due to the recent developments in the situation concerning the coronavirus COVID-19, our offices are closed. We will be working from our home offices but will still be available via the usual contact details, meaning you can still call or mail us. 

Red Star Forwarding & Logistics keeps the supply chain running. Even during these unusual times, we are able to provide transport solutions to our customers thanks to our tried and tested network. Every effort has been made to guarantee continuous support and immediate assistance, by keeping in close contact with our entire supply chain. 

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